CRank: 5Score: 7380

I said the "PS3 version" because that's the only version I have!! People dont seem clever enough to understand that I am only dissing the ACII graphics and not the PS3 itself. Fanboys need to grow up. If you guys can honestly tell me that ACII belongs in a list of top10 graphics you played on the PS3, I am really surprised!!

5042d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Was I the only who thought that the Assassins Creed II PS3 version had really poor graphics? Loads of screen tearing, terrible textures and average facial animations.

5042d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

Meh. Nobody cares about what you think.

5101d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a European, it seems that there is little to no praise for a unknown kart game like MNR here. It seems all american sites have given it an 80+ and praised how there is a new king in kart racer. Would like to point out what part of the SixthAxis review which says

"MNR is a game for everyone without ever making anyone feel left out, and in the days of hardcore first person shooters and single player epics, surely that’s exactly what we all need just now?"

5138d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Reach does look good. But cmmon, compare that to this...

5139d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Believe it or not, I did read the article. I just said I have my doubts that Bungie will make another Halo game in case you didnt understand what I said.

5150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Find this hard to believe. Surely Activision will be pushing Bungie to release a game at least every 2 years. I doubt that they will have time to make the new IP and keep pushing the Halo franchise.

5150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think it is a good move for all parties. Activision will get another "money maker" given that IW are moving on, and Bungie get more funding to produce a multiplatform game, while still owning the rights to their IPs.

5150d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Since I doubt the author has played Uncharted 2 to the full extent, I am having a hard time believing what I just read...

5151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@GiantEnemyCrab not sure if you played U:DF cause I clearly remember Chapter 2 where some of the vegetation actually moves as you walk through it, but yh you are right it isnt as interactive as say Crysis.

5196d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Still playing through the GOW collection, but GOW3 is def longer than the first one so that cant be the case. I managed to complete first in about 7-8hrs. Look for another "downfall"... Oh and great score btw, although 8.5 for presentation seems a bit low.

5202d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

According to many people Uncharted 2 didn't bring anything new to the industry. Guess which game swept all the gaming awards? As a gamer all I want is the best possible game, not something new that is poorly executed.

5202d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its about time a proper next gen SSX was announced!! (same with a great follow up from THPS3 but that is unlikely)

5226d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know there is something wrong with a magazine when they can hand a 10/10 to Bayonetta, but give a 9/10 to Mass Effect 2 and Uncharted 2. I am glad that HR actually got a 7/10; they actually think it is a good game!

5226d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now I understand why they released that article about HR a week ago, as soon as I saw this up I knew it was going to be lower than all other scores so far. Destructoid never fails to surprise.

5228d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only people I have heard that say it is average are those that have actually not played it!! I dont know what game some reviewers are playing because this game does not deserve 6s and 7s.

5236d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well I have played MAG for about 5hrs, I am level 17 with SVER, and I am pretty sure that the game isnt "hampered" by bugs. Very little to no lag and game runs rly smoothly. Cant say that the hit detection and animations are great, which they arent, but they do the job.

On the other hand I have actually just played MW2 today and MAG easily runs much more smoothly than MW2. Eventually MAG might have some problems with keeping the same performace but Zipper have really pu...

5236d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Zipper are trying to simulate a real battlefield. I doubt you can do that with MW2 6v6 running and gunning. I dont think size is the issue here. The issue seems to be that there is a lot of love or hate for this game.

5236d ago 20 agree11 disagreeView comment

6.5 Graphics
It runs 256 players smoothly, but at the cost of graphical detail. Texture pop-up at middle range.

How can they give this 6.5? Didnt they just give a 9.5 to MW2 which barely looks better than MAG and hasnt got 256 players and doesnt even run smoothly??

6.5 Lasting Appeal
You can feasibly reach the level cap within a week or two, though more casual players will likely quit in frustration before then.

Im sorry but I think many pp...

5236d ago 16 agree13 disagreeView comment

MAG may seen a 7/10 for now but as time goes by I can only see this game getting better and better. I enjoyed the beta and I am currently enjoying dominating with SVER =P

5240d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment